Need someone to help you change your life for the better?
I literally stared death straight in the eye and won. After undergoing a heart and double-lung transplant, I am the longest surviving transplant recipient of this kind in Africa. I will share my journey with you and your team, from my fear of facing my own mortality to the life-saving gift that has allowed me to complete South Africa’s grueling Cape Town Cycle Tour! I will show your team why having dreams is so important for them to live their most incredible life.
My story of incredible strength will definitely in inspire you and your team!
Looking for an amazing story, a true life drama that has it all?
As the longest living survivor of a heart and double lung transplant in Africa, my story of fighting for life, facing death and surviving one of the biggest operations known to man and then going on to complete South Africa’s most grueling cycle race, the Cape Town Cycle Tour, my story and positive outlook is going to WOW your audience!
Let’s inspire your audience together!
Click here to see my story that was featured on SABC television!
Click here to hear my interview with Kerri Miller onEast Coast Radio!